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среда, 5 ноября 2008 г.

National Commission for Cooperative Education

National Commission for Cooperative Education: "FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS

What is co-op?
It's an educational program that combines classroom studies with paid, productive work experience in a field related to your major or career goals.

What do you mean by productive work experience?
Real jobs with employers who have tasks or projects that need to be done. Since this is a plan offered by your college, the co-op or faculty coordinators on campus approve work positions that they believe will involve real work and will enhance your learning.

What are the chief benefits of co-op?
Students are enthusiastic about the opportunities co-op offers--to explore possible careers, to apply learning in real work situations, to gain relevant work experience and business contacts that can assist in getting a good job after graduation, and to earn money to help with college and living expenses.

What if I don't have a major or career plan yet?
You can talk with your academic advisor and with the co-op office to explore your interests and skills. Lots of students are just beginning to think about what they want to study or might want to do after they finish college. Co-op is a great way to see what it's like to work in a professional or occupational field.

What kinds of employers or work sites might I find?
A broad range. Some are large multinational corporations, representing a wide scope"

Co-op Online - About the Co-op - What is a Co-op?

Co-op Online - About the Co-op - What is a Co-op?

Co-op Online - About the Co-op - The UK Co-operative Movement

Co-op Online - About the Co-op - The UK Co-operative Movement: "Co-op"